Unsure if you should replace your window shades or not? Here are a few signs that you should.
They are hard to lower or raise
If you have shades that are hard to lower or raise, it’s definitely time to get new ones. A mechanism in the shades is probably broken, and that’s why it’s difficult to raise them. By pulling too hard on the cords while trying to raise them up, you could break the cord and the shades will be stuck in that position. If your shades are hard to lower raise, they are probably just really old and it is time to get new ones.
They have warped or bent slatsÂ
Heat can damage faux wood shades and make them warped. Humidity can do the same thing to real wood shades. Warped slats will prevent shades from raising or lowering properly, and they will stick out and won’t look nice. If just one or two slats are warped or If lots of slats are warped, it’s just best just to get all new shades.
They are discoloredÂ
Discoloration also happens from extreme heat and humidity. This could also happen if the shade material is deteriorating due to age. If your shades are a very light color, their discoloration will be really obvious to both you and your guests. Usually, the discoloration will be a tan, yellow, or beige color against white or off-white shades.No stain remover will get rid of discoloration, because the yellow color is now part of the fabric. If you notice discoloration in your shades, it is definitely time to get new ones.
Cords are frayedÂ
Frayed cords just mean that you use your shades often and that the material has aged. Cords are usually pretty thin and yanking them too hard can cause them to fray or even break. Frayed cords can be embarrassing, as your shades could become stuck without being attached to the cords anymore. Avoid this happening by purchasing new shades right away.
The slats in your blinds don’t close tightlyÂ
If the slats in your blinds don’t close tightly enough anymore and sun seeps through your shades, that means that something is wrong with the tilt mechanism in the shades. Usually, this mechanism cannot be replaced because, in order to do so, the cords in the shades would have to be re-looped. This would take a lot of time and it wouldn’t be worth it. Getting brand new shades is a better idea and will save you time and money.
Frayed edges on fabricÂ
Shades are made out of a wide variety of materials. Lots of shades are made from fabric, which can fray over time. While you may be able to sew the edge of frayed shades back together, the material won’t stay together in the long term. When you raise and lower the shades every day, the fabric will continue to fray and rip. If you just got your shades, a rip like this is probably covered under warranty. If your shades are older, it’s just time to get new ones.
You just got new windowsÂ
New windows call for new shades! This is especially true if you’ve just gotten new window sizes as well. Your old shades won’t fit, so this is the perfect time for new shades. You will need your new window measurements so you can find the exact shade size for these windows.
Even if you’ve kept the same window sizes, new shades are a perfect buy for your brand-new windows. Redecorating is fun, so why not treat yourself and get those new shades you’ve been wanting.
Your shades just aren’t in style anymoreÂ
There are so many window shade styles, and the trends can change in an instant. If you’re doing some redecorating, new shades are a must. Plus, you can have so much fun with new shades and you can really play up how they accent a room. They bring a whole new vibe to any room in your home, and there are so many fabrics and designs to choose from.
They aren’t safe for your kidsÂ
Maybe you got your shades before you had kids, and now they are just too hazardous for your young children. Long cords can be a serious choking hazard for crawling babies. Young children can also get tangled up on long cords and that can be very dangerous. Kids could also pull down too hard on a cord and shades could come crashing down, which could cause major injuries.
If you have young children, buy some cord-free shades that you won’t have to worry about. These kinds of shades are super stylish while keeping the safety of your family in mind. They can be adjusted just by pulling them down and pushing them back up, which is very convenient.
They simply don’t meet your window needsÂ
Your needs probably have changed since the last time you purchased new shades. Maybe your shades are too thin for you now and let in too much sun. Or, maybe the color of your shades no longer goes with the décor in your home. You’ve probably changed some of your home’s interior elements, and you need shades to match this new design. Whatever the reason may be, it’s probably time to get new shades that meet your needs.
Get new shades from Starwood Distributors and enjoy them!Â
New shades can spruce up an old look or make a new look stand out even more. They will change the way your home looks and will change how much sunlight comes into your rooms. There are so many ways you can use shades in your overall home interior design. Take some time to find the right shades for your home and your lifestyle.