Replacing Your Windows After a Hail Storm in DFW


Hail storms can happen at any time. They are often unexpected, and can cause immense damage, depending on the size of the ice pellets that fall. The most stressful time for them to occur is usually when we’re out and about in our cars. We face major dents on the top and hood of the vehicle if we can’t get under something in time. But also, consider what you might return home to. A major hail storm can hurt much more than the roof of your home. At the right angle, and with hailstones of the right size, you could have multiple broken windows to deal with, and fast. Luckily, at Starwood Distributors, replacing your exterior windows after a hail storm is simple and laden with many options.

Clean Up the Glass and Debris

Larger pieces of hail are the main concern whenever there’s talk of a storm. That is because these larger pieces can reach speeds of 100 miles per hour by the time they make it to the ground, and at the right angle with the wind behind them, they can easily break a window. If you come home to shattered glass or hear a crash, it’s important to not delay in cleaning up and covering the area. Be very careful as you’re cleaning up the glass. It’s wise to wear gloves when disposing of the shards. Also look around for debris (such as leaves) that might have entered the home, and find a way to cover the window! This could be with a large piece of fabric like a sheet or tablecloth, but if the rain is not yet over, a tarp would be optimal for its water resistance. This is key to preventing water damage to your floor and possessions.

Endless Options for Replacement

At Starwood Distributors, we are very thorough about providing as many window options as possible to fit any architectural style and home decor. The type of window you choose will depend on where the broken window occurred. And if the destroyed component was a custom window, have no worries! We can replace any custom window in any shape and size. We also offer four types of operable windows, so if you want something new, or are just looking to replace what was broken, we have you covered. We have four different TectView exterior windows if yours were compromised by the hail, and offer all windows we provide in white, tan, clay, and bronze. If a privacy window was destroyed along with the textured glass, we have seven possibilities that undoubtedly will do the trick.

Call a Starwood Distributors Specialist Now

There’s no time to waste in calling Starwood Distributors today if you are missing one or multiple windows from a recent hail storm. Especially in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, we have many available specialists ready to set up your free, in-home consultation to get your windows accurately measured, ordered, and professionally installed. Call us today at any one of our DFW locations. We are in DallasMcKinneyFriscoPlano and Fort Worth.

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